patron info

General info

The Brazil Farmers Market aims to provide a welcoming atmosphere for all patrons.  Musicians and other performers will be invited to appear at the Market from time to time.  Additionally, non-profit organizations will be invited to provide information and services at the Market from time to time as well.

The walking surface at the Market is coarse gravel.  There are two portable toilets available onsite and located near the water and ice vending location.  All patrons should leave all pets at home or at/in their vehicle.

Please use available trash containers.  Always be aware of moving vehicles, curbing, sidewalk surfaces, tent stakes & ropes, and all uneven walking surfaces.  Your safety and shopping experience is important to all of us in the community.


Patron parking is available along all the adjacent city streets and a limited number of handicap parking spaces will be made available onsite to those patrons with proper license plate or mirror hanger documentation.

Smoking/Alcoholic beverages:

Smoking is permitted only in your vehicle and not on the market grounds. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the market grounds.

Payment types:

Some vendors will offer their products paid for via an honor system whereby you are asked to provide the honest dollar amount posted for the product and deposit it into their cash container, please honor this system with integrity.